Have you been trying to think of some way to make money by working at home? One of the best ways to make some extra money while sitting on a laptop at home is by taking paid surveys online. Surveys provide companies the opportunity to obtain honest and valuable information about their products. Your opinion matters and, in fact, is worth a monetary sum. [...]
If you’ve been keeping up with computer tech trends, it’s no surprise to you that Google Wave, a “personal communication and collaboration tool,” is quickly becoming the web tool of choice for the corporate and home business world.
If you haven’t yet tinkered with Google Wave, think of it as a sort of collaborative email where those in your address book are simultaneously invited to view, alter and add to the email rather than having the email travel to each individual. Collaborators assigned to a certain wave simultaneously have access to the documents carried by the wave through active sessions. Collaborators can communicate in real time via instant message. Collaborators can even play games and exchange photos. Extensions such as grammar and spell checking as well as automatic language translation help to support the Google Wave. [...]
If working at home is your idea of a dream come true, the opportunities to make a killing are slim but definitely out there. Just take the relatively recent success story of Jeffery Morin. Over a few, short years, the Marine veteran has built up what started as a small, at-home business manufacturing and selling challenge coins on eBay, into a multi-million dollar enterprise. Challenge coins are small medallions traditionally carried and given to military servicemen for participating in specific groups, activities, or being part of a certain unit. It all started in WWI when a pilot for the brand new “air corps” gave out these unique medallions to his fellow wingmen. [...]
A quick search for the keyword ‘Alpine Access’ into your trusty search engine will reveal the debate raging on about whether or not this company, which promises those who wish to work at home the opportunity to do so, is legitimate or a scam. Well we can say, after reading MANY reviews and investigating into the background of the company, that Alpine Access is legitimate. [...]
Today, with the new Motorola Droid cell phone launch taking the world, and the Internet, by storm, tech gadget & cell phone enthusiasts are buzzing. However, if you’re not one of those people who knows everything about a new application or cell phone when it comes out, trying to decide on the best phone for you while you work at home can be tough. [...]