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Work at Home Tools: The Google Wave

Google WaveIf you’ve been keeping up with computer tech trends, it’s no surprise to you that Google Wave, a “personal communication and collaboration tool,” is quickly becoming the web tool of choice for the corporate and home business world.

If you haven’t yet tinkered with Google Wave, think of it as a sort of collaborative email where those in your address book are simultaneously invited to view, alter and add to the email rather than having the email travel to each individual.  Collaborators assigned to a certain wave simultaneously have access to the documents carried by the wave through active sessions.  Collaborators can communicate in real time via instant message.  Collaborators can even play games and exchange photos.  Extensions such as grammar and spell checking as well as automatic language translation help to support the Google Wave.

A similar and less impressive version of the Google Wave is Google Docs.  Google Wave, however, is more easily “shared” both visually and technically.  Documents and data will be stored on a central server and collaborators can be added or removed from the wave at any time.

Through its many free products, Google has helped countless work-at-home professionals keep track of their schedules, follow their finances and store their documents.  The Google Wave serves as the newest way for those working at home to easily collaborate on projects.  As companies begin to build their waves, allowing good standing employees to work from home may become more and more prevalent.  The network of Google Wave users is sure to increase as more invites are becoming available.

The Google Wave could even prove useful for at-home workers who may want to develop business relationships with people who share their entrepreneurial ideas, yet live across the globe.  With a web cam and the Google Wave, meetings can be conducted with a board of international members.  The application could even possibly replace email.

A big part of working at home successfully is being able to use the resources available to you.  Products that make your life easier, especially free products, are always worth a peek at.  Keep an eye out for anything that will help increase the efficiency of your at home business.  If you’re at-home work consists of Internet and SEO related ventures, websites such as SEO Elite and Instant Article Wizard can help direct and increase traffic to your site and help you build a base to work from.

If your at-home venture is based in the web world, take advantage of free social networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace and Twitter to promote and broaden the scope of your business.  The web also has many free tutorials on starting an at-home business and promoting it within a tight budget.  There are also resources that can help you do contract work centered around websites. These resources can prove to be your godsend and can help outline the steps to success for your work at home venture.  These tools and the Google Wave could be just that edge you need to fulfill your work-at-home goals.

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