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Health Insurance: Is Obama’s Plan EVER Going to Get Passed?

Health InsuranceAs the Obama health care reform debates continue to rage, the sense of unease experienced by Americans across the country is ever more so frustrating for those who work at home.  As insurance carriers continue to advocate for their side of the debate, it seems that all rational thought the American public may have possessed is quickly turning to craziness and heathen-calling.  While home business owners and those who work at home wait to see if Obama’s plan will actually be implemented, unforeseen medical expenses can jeopardize their finances and their home business. [...]

Alpine Access: Working from Home – Scam or Legitimate Business?

Alpine AccessA quick search for the keyword ‘Alpine Access’ into your trusty search engine will reveal the debate raging on about whether or not this company, which promises those who wish to work at home the opportunity to do so, is legitimate or a scam. Well we can say, after reading MANY reviews and investigating into the background of the company, that Alpine Access is legitimate. [...]

Trapped by Familiarity?

Andre Agassi's shocking autobiography. He describes how trapped he felt doing something he hated

Andre Agassi's shocking autobiography. He describes how trapped he felt doing something he hated

The husband and I sat down to watch Andre Agassi on 60 Minutes this evening.  His autobiography, Open, comes out tomorrow, and is full of juicy and scandalous revelations.  He was addicted to crystal meth.  His iconic hair of the late 80s was a weave.  And perhaps most surprising, he hated tennis, and still doesn’t like it very much.  I found it shocking – he was so good at it, it was his whole life, and he hated it! [...]

The Droid Launch and Your Options

Motorola DroidToday, with the new Motorola Droid cell phone launch taking the world, and the Internet, by storm, tech gadget & cell phone enthusiasts are buzzing. However, if you’re not one of those people who knows everything about a new application or cell phone when it comes out, trying to decide on the best phone for you while you work at home can be tough. [...]

Prevention of DVT and Pulmonary Embolism

woman-at-computerWorking from home doesn’t have to mean sitting in front of a computer all day, but for many of us, that’s exactly what it means.  I own a photography business, which someone might immediately picture as an action-packed sort of vocation.  But the reality is, I’ll go and take pictures at an event or wedding, or take someone’s portrait, and then spend hours at the computer doing all my uploading and editing.  Folks who work from home on a part time or full time basis doing even more computer-centric work, such as programming, will find themselves at the computer even more than I do. [...]

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