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Alpine Access: Working from Home – Scam or Legitimate Business?

Alpine AccessA quick search for the keyword ‘Alpine Access’ into your trusty search engine will reveal the debate raging on about whether or not this company, which promises those who wish to work at home the opportunity to do so, is legitimate or a scam. Well we can say, after reading MANY reviews and investigating into the background of the company, that Alpine Access is legitimate.

Although the company may have major problems with its management team, it is a virtual call center that trains and provides benefits for its employees.  The debate, however, does touch on some important issues surrounding the legitimacy of work-at-home companies.  Although many, and we do mean many, work-at-home scams exist in cyberspace, if your dream job involves a wardrobe of pajamas and bunny slippers, it’s important to realize that there is hope out there!

The key to finding a legitimate company that offers its employees work-at-home opportunities is in doing your research.  Typing the company name into a search engine is a quick and easy way to avoid a huge scam.  Signs indicate a company may be a scam include charging a fee for sending materials, promising to make you rich quickly, and having no criteria in their hiring process.  Legitimate companies are aware that working from home is not a good idea for many people and have some sort of hiring and interviewing process that involves eliminating undesirables.  Legitimate companies will also often provide paid training for new employees.

Companies that offer work-at-home opportunities usually pay either minimum wage or compensation at only slightly higher rates.  If you’re the kind of person who is trying to make millions, you better get off your bum and head outside the home for work.  Also, if you are the type of employee who needs supervision and a social atmosphere in order to be productive, working at home is not the best idea for you.

Working from home is definitely not for everyone.  Legitimate companies tend to shy away from applicants with strong regional or ethnic dialects.  Also, if you are someone who does not speak English well, has little skill in using a computer and cannot put together a grammatically correct and coherent sentence, beware of ANY company that is eager to hire you.

In addition, if you think working at home means that you can slack off, you may be surprised to find that management for this type of work can be even more strict than traditional jobs.  Work at home jobs usually just require a laptop and a telephone connection but demand a lot of focus and attention.  To stay competitive and keep their clientele, companies need to prove that they can perform.  This means that employees are usually on a strict schedule and expected to be highly organized.  Call center jobs can also mean that you deal with people who have complaints and that you need to be extra cheerful and eager to help.  If working at home is your idea of the perfect job, a little bit of homework and a scan through the many cyber pages of testimonials can find you a legitimate company that can help you fulfill your dreams.

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