Providing Work at Home Job Search Reviews Since 2005

Avoid at Home Job Scams

Just about everyone would love to have an at home job opportunity, working only a few hours a day, and earn thousands of dollars a month. That is an offer that not many people could pass up. Sometimes these at home job opportunities are legit, and sometimes they are not.

It is not easy to divide legit at home job programs from at home job scams. But the following paragraphs will help one distinguish between legit at home job money making opportunities, and the at home job opportunist, just out to scam money by offering to good to be true at home job opportunities.

First, regardless of what the ad or commercial says, never believe that you can make big money fast. At home job businesses are just like any other company. To be successful at any job, including an at home job, you must work hard, possess skill at what you are doing, and expect it to take some time for your profits to grow. In most instances, making large amounts of money at an at home job takes time, just like with any other job opportunity.

Secondly, beware of unsolicited email or postal mail that offers you at home job opportunities. If you did not request the information, most likely, the offer is fraudulent. Only consider at home job opportunities you have requested information on.

Next, always know who you are dealing with when considering an at home job position. Be sure to ask questions, because the company many not be intending to employ you directly, but sell you materials, and offer to find customers for you. Some good questions the FTC recommends to ask a potential at home job opportunity company are:

1. What job duties will I be performing?

2. Will I be paid a weekly salary, or will my pay be based on commission?

3. Who will sign my paycheck?

4. When should I expect my first paycheck?

If all the questions were answered to your satisfaction, it is still good to check with the Better Business Bureau, to see if any negative complaints have been filed against the company you are considering become part of.

An at home job opportunity appeals to most individuals. There are many legit at home jobs opportunities available, but distinguishing between legit companies and those who wish to scam money from innocent people can be difficult. Following the above tips could help you to distinguish between the two.

More: At Home Jobs.