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Starting A Daycare

Daycare providers offer parents an invaluable service. With the job market dwindling, the parents who still have jobs have to work extra hard in order to keep them. This means that daycare providers have to go above and beyond in order to keep their business going. This can also mean that daycares who haven't been living up to the bar have closed all across the country.

If you love kids and spend a majority of your time at home, daycare could be a great home business idea for you.

Getting started can be as simple as investigating the child care responsibility laws in your state. Some states have stricter laws than others, but contact your State Daycare Licensing Agency in order to check if you need to be licensed. Licensing is important because it establishes you as a professional and provides guidelines and training that could be vital in running a successful home daycare business. Starting A Daycare will show you other vital aspects of owning a successful home daycare business.

Before investing your time and energy into studying the laws and getting licensed, take the time to research your competition. Call around, ask friends and family who they use and find out if there is a good customer base in your neighborhood. Feel free to call up other providers and ask about their services and fees. You could even take a small in-person tour. Remember that the more options there are for parents, the harder it may be to get your new business off the ground. Although a daycare business does not require much money to start, consider how much you are willing to invest. You may not start seeing profits right away, so it is important to have a finance strategy.

Look for government grants and loans that will fund you.

Your financial strategy should also include an advertising budget. Although advertising doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg, it can take some planning and researching to understand your market and find out the best places for you to advertise your business. It is important to keep your ads going throughout the year in order to give you a steady supply of customers. Provide amazing service for your first few clients, and recommendations could help jump start your customer base.

Also do some research regarding your local school schedules. Knowing what kind of break system the schools in your area are on can help you estimate your busy times. A year-round school goes on break for 1 month every 3 months while traditional schools have 3 months off during the summer. Weekend considerations and vacations should be planned one year in advance in order to alert your customers.

Although the daycare business can be lucrative, you have to constantly put your customers first and deliver on your promises. This is why planning and preparation can be the keys to success. Decide on a set schedule and fees that you will be requesting in order to avoid confusion later on.

More: Starting A Daycare.