What Do You Need to Work at Home Receptionist Jobs
If you have worked as a receptionist in the past and need to find a job you can do from home, being a receptionist can be the perfect option for you. Receptionist
jobs at home will allow you to do what you are familiar with from the comfort of your own home. However, you need to know exactly what you will need before you get started so you can be ready to begin your new job as soon as possible.
One of the most important parts of receptionist jobs is the ability to speak on the phone. While this often required a landline phone, with the changes in technology, you can have calls forwarded to cell phones or even through the computer via VoIP technology. Therefore, you are no longer required to have a landline in most situations. Instead, you can use any type of calling plan to receive the calls for your job. Often the online calls are the easiest to use.
Good communication is important with receptionists. Not only will they need to communicate with the people who call into the business, they will also need to communicate well with their boss. Being a receptionist requires you to facilitate between the boss and the customers of the business. In some cases, you may be able to make phone calls to customers yourself because your boss needs some information relayed to that particular customer.
Another important piece of receptionist jobs is a computer with a high-speed Internet connection. If you will be making appointments for your client, you will need to be able to connect to their system and make changes in real time. In addition, if you are going to use the online calling to receive the calls, you will need the high-speed access to be able to take these calls. The computer is a critical part of being a receptionist in today’s world.
Some receptionist jobs may also require you to have specific software on your computer. Because this software is extremely important to your job, most companies that hire at-home receptionists will provide the software to you at no additional charge. In some cases, you may need to wait until you are in the later stages of training, while other places will provide you with the software immediately so you can begin learning the system right away.
If you are going to be handling some of the
data entry and typing duties of the receptionist job, you may also need a foot pedal, particularly if you will be doing transcription as part of the job. This foot pedal will allow you to more easily stop and start the audio track so you can type up what you hear. These foot pedals aren’t often a requirement for a receptionist job, but if it is, your job will likely provide it for you.
The most important thing to know about receptionist jobs is that you should never pay for anything. Any company that is willing to hire receptionists who
work at home will be able to provide the software and some hardware necessary for the job. The only things you should be responsible for is your phone line, your computer and your Internet connection. Beyond that, your company should give you what you need to do the job.
› More: Receptionist Jobs.
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