Thousands of American Marines across the world will celebrate the corps’ 234th birthday on Tuesday, November 10. This annual celebration, dating back to November 1, 1921, involves a cake-cutting ceremony where the first piece of cake goes to the Assistant Chief of Staff of Marine Corps Mobilization Command, Col. Ivan Glasco, the second piece goes to the oldest Marine and the third piece goes to the youngest Marine. This ceremony is conducted similarly by Marines stationed all over the world.
Serving as a Marine can be a life-changing and positive experience for many young men and women in the United States. However, with many Marines having completed their contracts and returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, adjusting to a civilian life and a more normal work environment can be difficult and often frustrating. If you’re just returning home after a tour of duty, it can be a good idea to allow yourself time to ease into everyday life. And while you adjust, working from home can be a great way to help with expenses and the upcoming Holiday Season.
The out-of-the-ordinary experiences Marines encounter during their tours of duty gives them a unique perspective and a unique set of technical skills that can be valuable to work-at-home writing jobs. Working from home offers Marine veterans the chance to be around the loved ones they have missed while supporting themselves.
An at-home business can also be a good option for those Marine veterans who served years ago and have still not found a sense of excitement or fulfillment with traditional jobs. Their experiences and acquired skills can also be helpful in starting an at-home business. Because of their years of service, Marines have more favorable options available to them than most people hoping to start a business. With a passionate idea and solid business plan, Marine veterans have a good chance of getting government funding to start their business.
Working from home can help cut costs until the business gets off the ground. Although the Small Business Administration cannot directly supply loans and government grant money, they are the perfect place to start. Their specialties involve helping entrepreneurs tap into the number of agencies, departments and programs that do offer grants and loans to veterans. Marine veterans can also sometimes qualify in more than one way. Funds are also available for minority groups and those with disabilities. Further allocations are made for businesses that involve aiding in disaster relief.
Veterans can also make good use of the Office of Veterans Business Development whose self-stated mission is to “Maximize the availability, applicability and usability of all administration small business programs for Veterans, Service-Disabled Veterans, Reserve Component Members, and their Dependents or Survivors.” The SBA’s Veterans Business Outreach Program offers veterans guidance and skills in business training. Other sources that can be helpful to veterans hoping to start a business include the Center for Veterans Enterprise. There are also programs that help veterans with financing, business development, and business start-up.
Veterans have been the heads of many successful businesses including Craig Technologies Inc, Humana Veterans Healthcare Services and Walgreens.