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The Droid Launch and Your Options

Motorola DroidToday, with the new Motorola Droid cell phone launch taking the world, and the Internet, by storm, tech gadget & cell phone enthusiasts are buzzing. However, if you’re not one of those people who knows everything about a new application or cell phone when it comes out, trying to decide on the best phone for you while you work at home can be tough. [...]

Texas Bar Results and the Unemployment Rise

LawyersAfter months of anticipation, Texas Bar results are to be released today soon to be followed suit by the rest of the country.  As thousands of law school graduates hold their breaths, one has to wonder if these soon-to-be law professionals realize that just having passed the Bar could prove to be not enough in securing employment in their field. [...]

Risk-taking has its rewards – and its traps

Unethical behavior is a risky roll of the dice

Unethical behavior is a risky roll of the dice

Working independently – whether working from home for someone else, or working in the realm of your own business – is an incredibly rewarding and challenging experience.  You get to call the shots, make the decisions, be your own boss (or at least, your own supervisor).   Truly, any willingness to leave the safe cocoon of a regular office job takes an enormous amount of courage and the ability to weigh options and take a calculated risk. [...]

Sesame Street 40th Anniversary (Yes, I’m Working!)

Big Bird - Sesame StreetSo I woke up this morning and noticed that the Google Doodle today contains an image of Big Bird’s feet, celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Sesame Street. It’s times like this when I’m glad I work from home, as I get to stick around and watch news about the celebration or read articles like this about something so precious with which I grew up. I even read somewhere that we might see several of Jim Henson’s Muppet characters today on Google’s logo on their homepage. I’m looking forward to seeing Elmo and the Cookie Monster! [...]

T-Mobile Outage Equals Good Deal Opportunity for Your Business?

Cell TowerOften running a small business can mean living on and by your hand-held tele-communicating device, or cell phone.  Those running small businesses and working from home, or even from their cars, depend on these tiny morsels of communication for much more than making calls.  With a personal assistant out of the budget plans of most at-home businesses, at-home CEO’s are relying more and more on Blackberries, iPhones, and Sidekicks to hold all the essentials of any business including appointment books, contact lists, client information and notes on new ideas. [...]

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