Jobs Online: Ten Tips for Finding Them
As a Resume Development Coordinator for a local neighborhood computer access center, I’m often asked to offer tips for finding jobs online. While many people are aware that they can find job listings online, few know the ins and outs of using online job posting boards and jobs online databases. If you’re looking for work and want to move your
job search into high gear, you should be making use of many different ways of finding jobs online.
- Nearly every local newspaper has started listing its employment ads online. Your first step in looking for jobs online should be a visit to your local newspaper’s web site to scan their ads. Many of newspapers also are connected with online jobs databases where you can post your resume. If your newspaper allows people to post their resumes, get yours posted so that companies can find you.
- Posting your resume with online jobs databases makes it easy to apply for jobs online. I always recommend that job hunters put together an online resume at, the granddaddy of all online jobs hunt web sites. Constructing an online resume at will help you sort through and organize all your skills and experience into a resume that you can download and modify.
- Prepare your resume in several different formats and keep them in a file on your computer. One should be plain text that can be cut and pasted into an email, and another should be in MS Word’s .doc format, the most commonly used file formats in business. By having them ready, you can simply upload them to most companies that post jobs online, or attach one to an email inquiry about a job.
- Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Post your resume to many different web sites that list jobs online. Yahoo! also offers a job search database, as do several other large Internet portals.
- If you want to work for a particular company, visit their website. Many of them post jobs online regularly, and quite a few have an online form for you to upload your resume so that they have it on hand if a position opens up for which you are qualified.
- Do update your online resumes frequently. Many online jobs recruiters scan new resume listings on the major online jobs boards daily, and make a note of new resumes. When you update your resume with an online jobs database, it’s relisted in the ‘new resumes’ category where recruiters will see it.
- Don’t forget government web sites when you’re looking for jobs online. Many communities list current openings on their web site. Check frequently, and if you see a job listing that sounds interesting, submit your resume for it.
- Sign up with freelance jobs online boards and services. You’ll find a wide variety of work at home opportunities listed for freelancers who can work from home and submit work via email or U.S. Postal Service.
- Join networking discussion boards related to your field. By connecting with others working your field, you’ll increase your chances of finding jobs online that you’re interested in.
- Treat you search for jobs online like you would a job. Put in as many hours a week as you hope to find work for. If you’ll looking for a job working 40 hours a week, then put in 8 hours a day hunting. In the end, it will pay off. After all, when you’re looking for jobs online, you’ve got a worldwide market for your skills.
› More: Jobs Online.