Providing Work at Home Job Search Reviews Since 2005 – The Virtual Job Hunt

It took me six whole months to find employment after I graduated college. That was six months without pay. During that time I had to pay for resume paper, stamps, and daycare when I went on interviews. However, times have changed. You can now conduct a job search without leaving your house. If you’re naughty, you may be conducting a job search on your employer’s time. Whatever route you take, sites like can help you find your way.

One of the important aspects of finding employment online is identifying what type of ad you are viewing. Even legitimate websites and sites like will have some ads that have not been weeded out. The main types of ads you need to be wary of are the ads for “business opportunities” as apposed to contract work or company employment.

Business opportunities do not always announce themselves to be such. Often, they will draw you in with a statement of how much you can make an hour. While these ads are not necessarily scams, they may not meet your expectations. If it requires an investment of either time or money, than it is more of an opportunity than a “sure thing.” However, these opportunities can be lucrative to some individuals, but they usually are not as easy as the advertisement they have placed on sites like

One way to bypass a lot of the unwanted business opportunities is to use specific keywords when using search engines and sites like When you use keywords that are very popular like “work at home” you get a lot of unwanted ads as well. Using replacement words and phrases may narrow down the amount of responses. Below is a list of keywords that may work for you:
  • Remote agents

  • Virtual employee

  • Offsite

  • Home office

  • Telecommuter

In addition to using the phrases displayed above, you can use quotation marks around certain phrases to produce results that contain only that phrase. “Seeks work at home agents,” will only give results that have those words in that order. If you remove the quotation marks you might get, “home health agent seeks work at…”

In addition, to searching the keywords listed on and using the search bar to create your own keyword searches, you can also find information about online education. Online education is a great way to gain the skills necessary to find the employment you desire. Most online universities offer the same financial aid assistance, including grants and scholarships that ordinary universities offer.

In the end, the internet can solve all your employment problems. From finding the dream job to obtaining the skills necessary for that job, you can find it all online.
