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Work from Home Jobs - Five Tips It's a Scam

There are so many great opportunities online for people who are seeking work at home jobs. Unfortunately, there are nearly as many scams and con artists out there waiting to rip off or take advantage of the next sucker that comes along. Make sure that you're not so desperate to make some money that you fall for the common (and easy to spot) traps placed by these people. Here are five ways to spot a surefire scam listing when looking for work from home jobs online:

-The 'job' listing requires YOU to pay money. In some cases, this might just be a business opportunity, but you should always check this out. If you just want a normal job, you will NEVER have to pay for it. If you want a chance to be an entrepreneur, you might have to pay a fee. Either way, make sure you're not getting taken advantage of before giving out ANY financial information.

-Lack of information. If a company lists a 'job' and doesn't tell you the role of the position, the responsibilities of the job, the compensation, the company information or anything else, you might want to be skeptical. Their whole 'apply now' or 'sign up for only X dollars and learn the secret to success' routine is where people get trapped into investments of time and money that will end in nothing but devastation.

-Too good to be true offers. Any listing that promises that you'll make $5,000 in your first week or even in a day is full of it. There are very few ways that you can make this kind of money legitimately, and when you're new to working online, you should expect to be paid what you're worth. Considering your lack of experience, you can guess that a legitimate position isn't going to pay you nearly that much.

-Automated responses when you 'apply' or fill out a request for information. Unless it says 'thank you for applying and someone will contact you soon' or something similar, any automated response is usually a sign of a scam. For example, if it says 'thanks for your interest. To learn more about this position go to (URL) now.' it's probably no good.

-Basic search. Get on Google, Yahoo!, or any other search engine and perform a search for the company or the job listing. If you find links or bad reviews, you'll be happy that you took the time to look. You should always do your homework because it's much easier for an online company to 'fake it'.

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