Mystery Shopping Jobs
Did you know that some people are paid to act as consumer advocates, and in the process get to shop for free? Sometimes these people make as much as $50 an hour to shop and eat out. These people have what are called mystery shopping jobs or secret shopping jobs.
Mystery shopping jobs are typically
part time jobs with very flexible hours. Both large and small companies contract with mystery shopping services that send individuals to pose as regular consumers at retail and other establishments. These paid mystery or secret shopping excursions are designed to ferret out information about customer service, cleanliness, and other important qualities.
The range of products and services that mystery shoppers shop for is quite wide. All kinds of businesses, from fast food companies to luxury resorts, use mystery shoppers. Groceries, gas, clothing, and leisure activities (e.g., golfing, going to a movie) are some of the types of products most frequently shopped for in mystery shopping jobs.
Mystery shoppers must usually provide detailed evaluations of their paid shopping experiences by filling out questionnaires or providing written reports. Mystery shopping jobs require professionalism and a responsible attitude. Since many people consider mystery shopping an appealing job, there are many companies that claim to provide job opportunities and training in this field for a fee. has reviewed some of these sites, and we have chosen some top picks in this field. We believe these companies provide remunerative opportunities in the mystery shopping field, and deliver what they promise.
› More: Mystery Shopping Jobs.
Find a Job Online
When many people think about finding a job online, they think about things like posting their resumes on job boards. There are, in fact, thousands of job boards online, most of them focusing on traditional full-time jobs.
Find a Job Online
Jobs to Do from Home
Can you really make $150 an hour performing simple jobs from home? The truth is that answering online surveys and participating in market research can be surprisingly profitable. Some companies running focus groups will indeed pay $150 per hour, and $75 an hour is not at all uncommon.
Jobs to Do from Home
Finding a Job
There are many common methods for finding a job. Searching through listings on job boards, asking friends and neighbors for leads, and reading classified ads are some of the recommended ways of finding a job.
Finding a Job
Self Employment Opportunities
The combination of being self-employed and working from home is attractive to many in today's economy. Long commutes, the desire to spend more time with family, and uncertainty about job security have all contributed to a major shift in the U.
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Working from Home
Are you looking for a good way to make money working from home? You’re not alone. Every day, thousands of people just like you decide that it’s time they took control of their lives and their finances – and start making money at home.
Working from Home
Make Money Fast
What are the fastest ways to make extra money? The answer partly depends on your circumstances, but
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Become a Model
With Internet shopping and Internet catalogs becoming more and more a major source of advertisement for large and small retailers, there has never before been a higher demand for models. If you think you've got what it takes to potentially become a model, there is really no better time than now to start learning about the industry and building your portfolio.
Become a Model
Job Search Sites
For people in the market for a new job, there are a plethora of job search sites available on the internet. Some job search sites include primarily local markets; these job search sites are most often found on the websites of local newspapers, television stations, and radio stations.
Job Search Sites
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